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Export of Natural Charcoal, Industrial Charcoal, and Firewood

Export of Natural Charcoal, Industrial Charcoal, and Firewood -

We provide all export documents for both natural and industrial charcoal, as well as firewood.
We handle customs clearance for charcoal shipments, both within and outside Egypt, including clearance of shipments at Egyptian ports, sample collection for health, veterinary quarantine, radiation, exports and imports, agriculture, and all security authorities. We also handle warehousing companies, container handling, signing value declarations, and shipping agency authorizations either collectively or individually.

Additionally, we manage the receipt of shipping permits, delivery, and receipt of shipment contents, ollection of checks, settlement of deposits, and issuance of checks for both our clients and ourselves, and the receipt of original shipping documents and bills of lading, as well as conducting telex releases.

We provide you with a tracking serial number for your container through the shipping line’s website.

Each country has a specific shipping duration depending on the distance between the manufacturing country and the importer. You can request shipping cost and expense quotes for the nearest port to you. Contact us to request the shipping cost to any port in the world. We meet your needs wherever you are.

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    نعمل في صناعة الفحم النباتى منذ 19 عاما ومن اقدم المصانع فى افريقيا ومصر.


    عنوان الادارة: الإسماعيلية، شارع حسين حجازي بجوار البنك العقاري المصري ، برج شيخ البدل الدور الثالث.

    عنوان المصنع: الإسماعيلية، الكيلو 11 طريق الصالحية فاقوس.

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    وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي © 2025. كل الحقوق محفوظة.
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    We have been working in the charcoal industry for 19 years and are one of the oldest factories in Africa and Egypt.


    Administrative address: Ismailia, Hussein Hegazy Street, next to the Egyptian Land Bank, Sheikh Al-Badl Tower, third floor.
    Factory address: Ismailia, Kilo 11, Salhiya Road, Faqus.

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